Age at Entry
18 Years last birthday
50 Years nearest birthday
Maturity Age
55 Years nearest birthday
Policy Term
One Year Renewable
Sum Assured
Rs.2,00,000 per member
Month of Enrollment |
Through Intermediaries# |
Voluntary Enrollment by an account holder through electronic means |
June, July & August |
Rs.436 |
Rs.406 |
September, October & November |
Rs.342 |
Rs.319.5 |
December, January & February |
Rs.228 |
Rs.213 |
March, April & May |
Rs.114 |
Rs.106.5 |
* Goods & Service tax, if any, will be charged over and above the quoted Premium. The premium may be modified on any annual renewal date or any other date as amended by the Government of India under the Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana
# Intermediaries can be Business Correspondent, Micro-insurance Agent, Corporate Agent, Insurance Agent or Insurance Marketing Firm